Building An Email List From Scratch: 8 Ways To Get Started

“List building” is the process of gathering email addresses from people who visit your website through lead capture software to expand your subscriber database and connect your business with prospective or existing clients. Email list building is an essential strategy for marketers, with 59% of consumers saying that marketing emails directly influence their purchasing choices. Furthermore, 80% of business professionals cite mail marketing as a way they increase customer retention. If you’re new to the game and looking for ways to build your email list, here are some ways to get started and expand your business!

Ways To Build An Email List Through Your Website

  1. Embedded signup forms: Embedded signup forms are one of the most straightforward ways of acquiring email subscribers. The best part of static embedded forms (which should be placed in visible areas on high traffic pages like sidebars, footers, headers, and splash pages) is that they don’t feel pushy. These forms are only a gentle reminder to the visitor that they can sign up for notifications, which is why they should be used in conjunction with the most dynamic and proactive list building strategies we delve into below.
  2. Pop-ups and overlays: Pop-ups offer an average conversion rate of 11.9%, with a conversion rate or 42% for the top 10%. However, it’s essential to be aware of Google’s interstitial ad guidelines so that you don’t get penalized and achieve the opposite of what you set out to do.
  3. Gamification: Gamification refers to utilizing more interactive, game-like elements in a lead capture form to boost engagement. You can use tests, quizzes, spin-to-win, surveys, scratchcards, etc. with exclusive prizes like small freebies or discounts that shoppers can claim when they enter their email address. Gamification appeals to consumer psychology because customers are motivated by easily attainable prizes, capturing their attention and their email addresses!
  4. Squeeze pages: A squeeze page refers to a dedicated lead capture landing page that restricts access to desirable content or a tempting offer through a lead capture form. Squeeze pages have high exit rates by nature, so don’t worry as long as the conversion rate is high.
  5. Sign-up invites: Using various notifications can be a solid strategy to capture leads; depending on the notification type, sign-ups can be overlays on landing pages, placed in sliders on page headers, or statically embedded into product pages.
  6. Content upgrade offers: Also known as a lead magnet, a content upgrade is a gated piece of content a business offers to their website visitors as a perk when they give their email addresses. Examples include anything from members-only sales and discounts for products or services to actual pieces of content like catalogs, guides, etc.
  7. Opt-in fields when checking out: Giving personal information when checking out online is expected by most online shoppers. Include an option to join an email list when they’re checking out- just make sure it’s not pre-checked, as per GDPR rules.
  8. Loyalty and referral programs: Done correctly, customer loyalty and referral programs can encourage brand new subscribers as well as give existing subscribers that extra nudge to upgrade, producing extra lifetime value.

Contact Us Today

Trying to build your email list and connect with prospective customers while expanding your brand and business? Call Affordable Digital Marketing to help- we’ll take care of all your digital marketing needs so you can focus on doing what you do best.

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